Cómo los Padres Pueden Ayudar a su Hijo con Dislexia a Aprender un Idioma Extranjero como el Inglés
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How Parents Can Help Their Child with Dyslexia Learn a Foreign Language Like English

Learning a foreign language like English can be a significant challenge for children with dyslexia. Dyslexia affects the ability to process language, making reading, writing, and spelling particularly difficult. However, with the right support at home, children with dyslexia can overcome these obstacles and succeed in learning a new language. Here are some strategies parents can use to help their children with dyslexia learn English.

1. Create a Positive and Supportive Learning Environment

It’s crucial that children with dyslexia feel that their home is a safe and supportive place to learn. Celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small, and avoid focusing on mistakes. Constant encouragement and patience can boost your child’s confidence and willingness to tackle challenges.

2. Use Multisensory Methods

Multisensory methods can be especially beneficial for children with dyslexia. These methods combine visual, auditory, and tactile-kinesthetic elements to enhance understanding and retention. Here are some ideas:

  • Visual: Use charts, images, and color-coded materials to help your child remember words and grammar rules.
  • Auditory: Listen to songs, rhymes, and audiobooks in English together. Repeat words and phrases out loud to improve pronunciation and comprehension.
  • Tactile-Kinesthetic: Engage in activities that involve movement, such as writing words in sand, using magnetic letters, or making tactile flashcards.

3. Incorporate Assistive Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool to help your child learn English. Here are some helpful tools:

  • Text-to-Speech (TTS) Apps: These apps can read written text aloud, aiding your child’s understanding of the content.
  • Speech-to-Text (STT) Apps: Allow your child to dictate their thoughts, helping to overcome writing difficulties.
  • Educational Apps: Use apps designed to teach English interactively and engagingly, such as Duolingo or Babbel.

4. Establish a Structured Study Routine

A structured study routine can help your child stay focused and consistent in their learning. Dedicate a specific time each day for practicing English and ensure this time is free from distractions. Breaking study time into short, frequent sessions can be more effective than long, sporadic ones.

5. Work on Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Help your child develop phonological and phonemic awareness skills, which are crucial for learning a new language. Play rhyming games, sing songs that highlight letter sounds, and practice segmenting words into individual sounds. These activities can improve your child’s ability to decode English words.

6. Read Aloud Together

Reading aloud is an excellent way to improve fluency, pronunciation, and comprehension. Choose books appropriate for your child’s age and interests and read them together. Ask questions about the story and encourage your child to predict what will happen next, fostering active participation and understanding.

7. Seek Professional Support

If your child faces significant difficulties, consider seeking the help of a dyslexia specialist or a tutor experienced in working with children with dyslexia. These professionals can provide additional strategies and resources tailored to your child’s specific needs.

8. Foster a Collaborative Approach

Work closely with your child’s teachers and the staff at their English academy. Share information about the strategies that work at home and ask for suggestions on how to better support your child’s learning. Open and regular communication can ensure your child receives consistent support both at home and at school.


Helping a child with dyslexia learn a foreign language like English can seem challenging, but with the right approach and support, it is entirely possible. By creating a positive environment, using multisensory methods, incorporating assistive technology, establishing structured routines, working on phonological skills, reading aloud, seeking professional support, and fostering collaboration, parents can play a crucial role in their child’s success in learning a new language.

With these strategies, you can provide your child with the tools and support they need to overcome the challenges of dyslexia and thrive in their English learning journey.

At English House Academy in Málaga,  you can count on our support  – contact us!

Brett Ordonez Yates
Brett Ordonez Yates
See my bio on https://www.malagaenglish.com/quienes-somos/conocenos/brett/

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